Additional Info

School NameLycée Saint-Genès La Salle Bordeaux
GradeJunior / Première
FieldHumanities and Languages / Sciences humaines et langues
ExchangeExchange Trip / Voyage d'étude
Number of students11 to / à 20
Social media
Zip Code33000
Street160 rue de Saint Genès

We are the Saint-Genès High School of Bordeaux.
We are located in the center of Bordeaux. We are more than 700 students in our high school. We’d ideally like to exchange with an American high school sharing the same values. The exchange would be approximately 8/10 days and would be open to 11th graders (15/16 years old). An ideal number for the exchange would be 15 to 20 students with two accompanying teachers.
Our region has a lot to offer : we are two hours from Paris (by train) and two hours as well from the Basque Country ( + 1 more hour to Spain). We aren’t far from the beach and the mountains. Many interesting activities can be done during the exchange from French learning with your French partner to different historical, cultural and plain fun activities. Have a look at our school video to learn more about us! Here’s the link:
We would be thrilled to exchange with you!
If you’re interested please don’t hesitate in contacting us: or

June 13, 2024 12:48 pm

233 days, 17 hours

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